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FEVERISH UnbRoken Page 14
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Page 14
Her smile spread across her entire face. “Does it now?”
His eyes turned dark. “Oh yeah. I’m going to find out if the sound proof walls I paid for work the way they are supposed to.” Garrett bit her bottom lip as he pulled her back into the house. “We’ve got a lot of rooms to test out before morning.”
Chapter 21
Six months later
Imani was in the conference room of her office with her best friend, Malika, who now worked for her and another member of her staff when Michelle walked in. “Excuse me. You have a visitor.”
Her eyes drew together. “I thought we didn’t have anything on my schedule for the rest of the day?”
“You didn’t.” Michelle tapped her pen against her thigh. “It’s um . . . Mr. McNeal.”
Clearly irritated, Imani pressed her lips together and rubbed her temples. “What the hell? What is he doing here?”
“I’m not sure. He would only say that it was a personal matter.”
She blew out a deep breath. “Fine. Send him to my office, and I’ll be there in a moment.” Imani didn’t want to have anything to do with Raymond but figured she hadn’t made herself clear. However, this time she planned to make it crystal clear once and for all.
A few minutes later, she entered her office. Raymond stood with his hands clasped behind his back looking out of her window onto the Chicago streets.
Imani was no nonsense. “What do you want, Raymond?”
He turned. “It’s good to see you again, Imani.”
Her eyes were sharp. She wasn’t up for any of his bullshit. “That’s Mrs. Hadley to you. Seriously, what do you want?”
“I was hoping to finish our conversation we started a few months ago.”
Imani shook her head. “Just in case I wasn’t clear the last time we spoke, I’ve already told you I’m not dancing with the devil.” She pointed towards him. “And, you are definitely the devil.”
Raymond held his hands out in surrender. “I’m really not that bad when you get to know me.”
“I don’t plan on getting to know you. I’m not sure why you are here or what you want, but I’m completely Team Garrett. I can’t help you.”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m not against Garrett. That’s how he sees it. That’s not the way it is.”
Imani folded her arms. “I don’t care.”
“Come on Imani . . . just hear me out. The date has been set for the custody trial. Maybe between the two of us, cooler heads can prevail.”
Imani remained silent but nodded for him to continue.
“Did you know when we were growing up, all I wanted was to be like Garrett?”
“I guess that would explain why you slept with his wife.”
Raymond placed both hands over his heart as if she’d shot him. “Ouch. That hurts. If only that were true.”
“Isn’t it?”
“No. For the record, Shannon and I were married first. I had no idea when we divorced, or thought we divorced, that Shannon had designs on Garrett. I loved her. You can’t imagine how painful it was when I discovered they were engaged. Like you, there was a whirlwind romance and quickie marriage. My brother seems good at wooing women.”
“As are you at manipulating them. That might explain some things, but it doesn’t excuse you from resuming the affair. You should have told Garrett that you’d had a relationship with Shannon, but you chose not to. I can only assume it was because you thought you would get something out of it.”
He shrugged. “It doesn’t excuse anything. I can only tell you I loved her very much, and I still do.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell Garrett?”
“Neither one of us wanted to hurt him.”
Imani stood incredulous. “You don’t think knocking up his wife hurt him? Or, trying to take his son away from him, hurts?”
“I only just discovered over the last year that he’s my son. Tell me what you would do? Would you let another woman that wasn’t your child’s mother raise him? Hell no! I can tell by the fight in your eyes you wouldn’t. That little boy is my son. I won’t walk away from him.”
Imani couldn’t deny she would fight like hell for her child. There wouldn’t be anything anyone could do to keep her away. She walked around Raymond and took a seat at her desk. “Let’s say you did have a point. How could you trade him like a . . .” She could barely find the words. “Like a commodity on the stock market?”
“If Garrett would let me into both my son’s and his life, I wouldn’t. I don’t want to fight this out in the courts.”
“Then, don’t.”
“Tell, me. What am I supposed to do? Garrett only sees things in black and white. How can I have a relationship with my son and my brother?”
“You need to sit down and have that conversation with him because I won’t lie, this situation is a mess. I can’t begin to tell you how to unravel it. What I can say is that Garrett Jr. loves the only man he has known to be his father. Taking him away from that kind of security can do more harm than good. Taking him away from Garrett will completely kill whatever small bit of hope you have of reconciling.”
Raymond rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know if Garrett told you, but we had it rough growing up. Family is not a concept we know much about.”
“Neither of you are dead. You can learn how to be a family if you stop auditioning for the most dysfunctional one of all time. Try acting human and apologize for having an affair with Shannon, drop this ridiculous custody battle, and let go of your attempt to get control his company. Those are three things you can do right off the bat that might get a productive conversation started.” She stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to . . .”
Before Imani could finish her sentence, Raymond cut her off. “Okay. I’ll do it if you think it might help my relationship with Garrett.
Imani was shocked. She slowly sat back down in her chair. “You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”
“I’ll call my lawyer right now, from this office.”
Imani pushed her phone towards him and hit the speaker button. “What’s the number?”
“You don’t trust easily do you?” Raymond pressed the digits on the phone. It rang a couple of times.
Imani’s heart was beating so fast she couldn’t believe it.
Someone answered. “Young, Bailey, and Saxmore.”
“Yes, this is Raymond McNeal, can you please put me through to Attorney Young.”
“One moment, please.”
The elevator music was playing while they were on hold. Then a voice came through the speaker loud and clear. “This is Attorney Reginald Young.”
“Reggie, this is Raymond.”
“What can I do for you?”
“As you know my custody case with Garrett Hadley has been scheduled for next month. I want to withdraw my petition.”
He seemed surprised. “What?”
Raymond’s eyes focused like a laser on Imani. “Garrett and I are going to try to work this out privately. If you could call his attorney this afternoon to let him know, I’d appreciate it.”
“Absolutely. I’m glad the two of you came to some kind of resolution. I’ll get right on it.”
“Thanks.” Raymond disconnected the call.
Imani’s mouth was literally hanging open. “I-I can’t believe you just did that.”
“I’m not the monster my brother has told you that I am. All I want is a relationship with him—and my son.”
Imani blinked a few times still in shock. She tried standing again. “I’m sure that will go a long way in garnering some good will with Garrett.”
“I’ll call Garrett in a couple of days. Maybe you could convince him to hear me out long enough to get that apology?”
Imani nodded. “I can’t make any promises.”
“I’ll accept that for now.”
Imani watched Raymond walk out of the door, all the while her mind was racing. Garrett married her primarily to
get custody of his son. If that was no longer a threat, she could only hope that he would want to continue with the marriage. Suddenly, she felt nauseous.
Raymond left Imani’s offices feeling confident he’d succeeded in step one of plan B. Reggie played along perfectly. At first, when he’d been informed that the judge in the case had a history of ruling in favor of the adoptive parents, he was still ready to leverage this situation against Garrett.
That was until he’d found out that Garrett’s private investigators had uncovered his gambling debts and the two assault convictions that were supposed to have been sealed. Even though they happened several years ago, it wasn’t that long ago to it chalk up to actions taken during his youth.
Currently, Raymond didn’t have any income, significant gambling debts, and two assault convictions on his record. There was no way the judge would rule in his favor.
He had no choice but to move on to plan B. Imani would be a big help in moving that along.
Chapter 22
Shannon sat in Garrett’s office, dabbing at the corners of her eyes, wiping away phantom tears. “I’m just so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
Garrett wasn’t moved at all. He sat across from her quietly, watching with a hawk’s eye only to see how far she would go.
“Raymond was a mistake. A very bad mistake. He was someone I knew immediately was wrong for me. But, he was persistent.” She stuttered. “A-and I was afraid. You couldn’t possibly understand what it was like living in fear. Worried every minute that he would hurt me.”
Garrett knew then that Shannon was aware of what he’d uncovered in his investigation of both Raymond—and her. An uncomfortable silence spanned out before them as her lingering words filled the air. Were they supposed to invoke sympathy? If so, Shannon had failed miserably. Finally, after several quiet moments, Garrett spoke. “None of that matters to me. What do you want, Shannon?”
Her eyes widened, and she looked panicked. “At one time, you loved me and would do anything for me.” It was a declaration more to herself than to Garrett.
He flicked off an imaginary ball of lint from his arm. “That time was so long ago. I don’t even remember it.” Garrett checked his watch. “I have a meeting in fifteen minutes. You need to get to the point of why you came.”
The forced saddened look on her face vanished. Her voice hardened. “I’m here because I want all of this to go away. In all honesty, our son is better off with you than he is with Raymond and me.”
Garrett folded his arms. “If I understand you correctly, you don’t want your own son?” While his voice was even the fury within him was bubbling close to the surface.
“If we’re cutting pretenses. We both know I’m not the motherly type. And, Raymond, his jealousy of you is all consuming. If he could be you, he would. Since he can’t, he’s decided to blame you for everything that’s gone wrong in his life. He never understood how things seemed to come easily for you and not him, which is funny since you’ve taken care of him financially his entire life. Anyway, his hatred would spill over into Garrett Jr. No child deserves that.”
Her words hurt, not for him but for his son. “What are you proposing? How do we make all of this go away?”
“Fifteen million.”
He lifted a brow. “Fifteen million? You must be out of your mind.”
“No. I’m not. I promise what I can deliver would make it worth your while.”
Garrett leaned back in his chair. “I’m listening.”
“I know that you’ve uncovered Raymond’s alleged gambling debts. He knows it too.”
Garrett interrupted. “It’s not alleged, and there are also two sealed assault convictions.”
“Those convictions are bullshit, and you know it. It was BDSM gone wrong.”
“Defending the man you were so afraid of? Interesting. I don’t really care about the particulars. I doubt the judge will either.”
Shannon sat up on the edge of her seat. “What if I can guarantee you get full custody of Garrett Jr.?”
“I said, I’m listening.”
“You and I both know that there is still a chance of Raymond winning custody. If I gave you the names and account numbers for all his debts, you'd have proof of his illegal activities.”
“You can provide me proof—for a fifteen-million-dollar fee is that it?”
“Yes. Not only that, I could testify on your behalf. I would make sure that Judge Stone saw an unstable man attempting to use his son as a meal ticket.”
Garrett thought her words were rich. Shannon was doing the exact same thing.
“Then, I would disappear forever,” Shannon said. “I’ve already signed my rights over to you. I think if I can pull all of that off, it would be worth fifteen million.”
After meeting with Raymond, Imani’s creative energy was tapped. She called it a night and decided to pay Garrett a visit at his office. It wasn’t too far away from hers.
They’d grown so much closer after their honeymoon in Dubai. She didn’t want the taint of Raymond to ruin it.
Imani stepped off the elevator and started walking towards his desk. She waved to his assistant, Lucinda. “Hey. Is Garrett around?”
She looked like a deer in the headlights. “No. I mean, yes. Mr. Hadley is in a meeting.”
Disappointed, the corners of her mouth drooped downward. “Do you think he’ll be long?”
“I’m not sure, Mrs. Hadley.”
Imani thought it odd that Lucinda seemed a bit nervous. She smiled. “You know what? I’ll just take a seat and wait awhile.”
Lucinda’s eyes darted from her boss’ door back to Imani. “Sure. I’ll send him a note that you’re here.”
Great. Imani figured she’d catch up on her e-mails and make a few calls. Ten minutes later, the door opened, and Shannon McNeal Hadley walked through it. “I’ll ensure that you have everything you need by noon tomorrow.”
Imani didn’t know they were still in touch. She had recognized Shannon immediately from her pictures on social media.
Garrett nodded to Shannon at the same moment he noticed Imani.
Slowly Imani stood and smoothed down her pencil skirt. There was no reason to feel the rush of anger that knotted up in her chest, but she had. Imani took a deep breath and did her best to play it cool. “Garrett, I thought I’d drop by on my way home.” Almost imperceptibly, her head turned away from him toward Shannon. “I don’t believe we 've formally met. I’m Imani Hadley.” Imani made sure to shake her hand with the one that housed her wedding ring.
Shannon paused then shook her hand using the tips of her fingers. “I guess congratulations are in order for your marriage to my Garry.”
No, this bitch didn’t!—was her immediate thought. Was she really trying to be petty? Shannon must have lost her mind and didn’t know that Imani would drag her around the entire office. She had the nerve to be standing in front of her playing games.
The territorial part of Imani took over. “I’m sorry, I don’t think Garrett, Garry, or any other pet name you’ve called him belongs to you anymore.” Imani snapped her finger. “Did it ever? Or, were you considered a bigamist?” Imani seemed to ponder the question. “I’m not quite sure what the laws are in Illinois on that.”
Garrett stepped in the middle of Imani and Shannon. That introduction had gone from zero to one hundred in no seconds flat.
Shannon wrinkled her nose. “Garry, I knew you needed a wife on short notice but was this the best you could find?”
Imani’s nostril’s flared. “Are you serious? You should be thanking me for taking care of your son like he’s my own. What kind of ratchet, piss-poor excuse for a woman would ever do the things you’ve done!”
Garrett yelled. “Shannon! Leave. Now! Imani . . . get in my office!”
Imani was pissed. She didn’t move until Shannon left in a huff to the elevator. She pushed past Garrett and walked into his office. Before he could follow behind and close the door,
Imani shouted at him. “What was she doing here? And, how could you not take my side?”
Garrett had to get his own temper under control. “The tabloids have done enough with this messy situation. You didn’t need to give them more to gossip about. There are probably people on the phone with TMZ right now ready to sell their camera phone footage of that ridiculous display.”
“I don’t give a damn about tabloids and gossip. What I care about is why Shannon was here?”
“Well, you need to give a damn. I’m Garrett Hadley, CEO and President of GHI. I won’t have you losing your cool especially so close to the custody hearing.”
Thinking about the hearing pulled Imani back from the brink of her rage.
Frustrated, Garrett raked his fingers through his hair. “You didn’t give me a chance to defend you before taking matters into your own hands. There’s no need to feel jealous over Shannon.”
“Is that what you thought? That I was jealous? I wasn’t jealous. I was being disrespected! There is a difference. How would you feel if the tables were turned?”
She had a point. The temperature of anger in the room cooled. “Probably the same as you.” Garrett walked over to Imani and pulled her into his arms. Begrudgingly, she went into them. Her head was tucked underneath his chin, and his lips were close to her temple. “I’m sorry I didn’t handle the situation better.”
Imani let out a breath. Her voice was softer but still had a sting of anger to it. “Why was she here, Garrett?”
“She’s aware that I’ve set things in motion that will likely lead to me winning full custody of my son. Shannon was offering to give me the proof I’ve been seeking for the past few months.”
Imani pulled back. “What plans? You never told me about them? And, how can she be both the spoiler and the savior?”
“She’s not either. But, if she does what she’s promised, my chances in this custody battle go up exponentially. I didn’t tell you because I had it under control.”
Imani didn’t like his answer. When you’re single, you got it alone. When you’re married, it’s supposed to be a partnership. Garrett was having a hard time understanding the two. She’d save that argument for another day. “It’s interesting Shannon was here working a plan with you, and Raymond came to see me today too.”