FEVERISH UnbRoken Read online

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  “You know Maddon. He wasn’t having it. I heard he started to beat the crap out of DJ, then some other players from that other neighborhood jumped in on him.”

  Imani lifted her head off the pillow just a bit. “He wasn’t hurt, was he?”

  “Maddon’s fine. He’s a bull. However, he was impressed that Garrett didn’t just stand around to watch. He got in on the action along with some other players from our ‘hood. You would think we were all still fifteen years old. It didn’t last long. Smarter heads prevailed and broke up the melee.” Aaliyah let out a little laugh. “Let me stop playing. I would have loved to have seen it all.”

  “Is Garrett okay? He doesn’t even really know me.”

  “Isn’t that something? I thought the same thing. Why is this man fighting for this woman he can’t seem to keep his eyes off of?” She smiled knowingly. “Anyway, neither one of them got so much as a scratch. Maybe swollen hands. Since you’ve been sneaking glances, I’m sure you’ve noticed Garrett looks as if he can handle a little rough and tumble. He probably needed to beat the crap out of someone with all the drama he’s got going on with his life.”

  Imani felt awful. “I didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand. I tackled Shawna a few times, but it was within the confines of the game. It wasn’t too out of the way.”

  “Doesn’t matter. She just better be glad I’m pregnant. Otherwise, there would be some consequences and repercussions.”

  Right or wrong, Aaliyah and Maddon always had her back. She knew if Aaliyah had been at the game, she would have tried to waddle herself onto the field and get involved too. The mere thought of it made Imani laugh a little.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. This entire situation was ridiculous. I’m a grown up, so you would think this kind of thing wouldn’t be happening.” Imani decided to keep her real thoughts to herself.

  Aaliyah placed her palm over Imani’s forehead to check for a fever. “You don’t feel warm. Mama had Dr. George from across the street come over to check on you. He said you’d probably wake up with a slight temperature and a headache because you got hit upside your head pretty hard.” Aaliyah giggled. “I know you wanted to impress Garrett but couldn’t you have found a different way than getting yourself knocked clean out? Maybe wear a dress, put on some makeup, and stop acting like one of the guys. Sometimes the simple things work. Girl it up a bit. Those sweats you’re wearing are not cute, and I warned you that he was HOT!”

  Imani’s voice croaked. “I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. I just wanted to have some fun and forget about my own problems. I’m here to get myself together not to find a man. Even if I were, Garrett has some reality tv-show like issues. I don’t need to complicate my life any further.”

  Aaliyah smiled devilishly. “True, but he is really handsome. If I weren’t pregnant . . .”

  Imani tried to roll her eyes but instantly regretted it. The pain was too much. “You’re a freak. Now I know why you and Drew made that baby so fast.”

  Aaliyah winked. “You know it. That reminds me, I need to call him sometime today.”

  Imani exhaled slowly. “Am I going to get to meet him?”

  Aaliyah shrugged. “I don’t know. Depends on when you leave.”

  “Good. I hope so.” Imani let out a little sigh. “I’m glad Maddon and Garrett are okay.”

  Aaliyah got up from her chair. “They’re fine. You’re rolling your eyes which mean you’re back to your old sanctimonious self. I better go get Ma. She told me to come find her as soon as you woke up.”

  “Whatever.” Imani closed her eyes and smiled weakly. “Thank you, Liyah.”

  She walked over towards the door shaking her head, placed her hand on the doorknob, and started laughing. “Isn’t it interesting how you managed to finagle your way back into this room? How you always seem to get your way is beyond me. You should teach a class.” Aaliyah opened the door and walked out.


  Garrett sat downstairs in the living room with Mr. Jones and Maddon watching football. Every so often, his eyes would glance up at the staircase expecting to see Imani come down.

  There was no way the women he knew would be caught dead on a football field let alone playing it, or even going into a sports arena unless it was the VIP box.

  He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about Imani. That woman got to him. If he were honest, the entire Jones family had. Garrett felt free to let down his guard. He’d taken to them like a fish to water.

  They were truly the salt of the earth kind of people. He’d known Maddon for less than forty-eight hours but felt closer to him than people who’d been in his inner circle for years.

  Maddon got up to go into the kitchen. “Hey, anybody else wants a beer?”

  Garrett waved him off. “I think I’ve had enough over the last couple of days.”

  Maddon smirked. “After today at the Dusky . . . I’d say you deserve a cold one. But, I hear you.”

  Mr. Jones sat in his brown leather recliner with the remote in his hand. “I’m a man of the Movement. I believe in non-violence unless it comes to my daughters. Then, you need to whoop ass if someone gets out of line. With that said, thank you, Garrett. Today you’ve been indoctrinated into the Jones family.” He turned to his son. “I’m good over here. I’ve got a water bottle, Maddon.”

  It didn’t matter if he were joking or not. Something about Mr. Jones’ words was heartwarming. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  Garrett snuck another peek up the stairs hoping for a glimpse of Imani. The likelihood that she would come down after the hit she took was slim. They hadn’t spoken much outside of that one conversation, but he wanted to. It was strange that it was possible to be attracted to her given his current circumstances.

  It was best that he kept his distance considering the shape his life was in. Garrett also didn’t want to take advantage of the hospitality Mr. Jones and Maddon had shown him. Wanting to sex-up his daughter and Maddon’s sister was the opposite of showing respect. But, being near her seemed to transport him back to being a horny teenager. He hadn’t had this much difficulty controlling himself in years, but with Imani, everything seemed out of control.

  Left alone with his own thoughts, Garrett became more and more pensive. It was never like that with Shannon. In his heart, he’d known his marriage to her had been over for a while. Whatever love he had died well before she’d told him the truth about their son. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever really loved her but felt as if he’d come to a place in his life where it was time to marry. She was the one he’d been dating at the time. Garrett always felt guilty about that. Still, he never cheated. When Garrett said his I do’s, he meant it.

  It was guilt that allowed him to take on the full responsibility for the failure of their marriage, only to discover she’d been sleeping with Raymond for years before they’d ever met . . . and after. Of course, that led him to believe that he’d been scammed by them both. Too bad Shannon had betrayed him. That was the biggest mistake of her life.

  According to his lawyers, it shouldn’t take too long to dissolve his marriage and sort out joint-custody. Regardless of Garrett Jr. not being his biological son, he and Shannon were married when he was born. His lawyers assured him that legally he was his father, period.

  The problem for Shannon was that Garrett would never give him up or settle for joint custody. He wanted full custody.

  “Back to pondering over your problems?” Mr. Jones spoke to Garrett but never took his observant eyes away from the game.

  Garrett didn’t think those eyes missed much. “Maybe a little.”

  “I thought the fight at the Dusky might have helped you with some of your anger.”

  Garrett lifted one side of the corner of his mouth. “I won’t lie and say it didn’t. However, it’s not the way I usually relieve stress.” He typically crushed his enemies. Garrett wouldn’t say that. Instead, he would say something more palatable. “I try to take it o
ut on the boxing bag at the gym.” He rolled his head around his shoulders. “I will say being around all of you has been good for me.”

  Mr. Jones nodded. “Good. I know I’ve said this before, but there’s nothing like family to help you deal with whatever is going on in your life. Maybe when you leave here, you can go spend some time with yours.”

  Garrett scratched the bottom of his chin. “Maybe.”

  Mr. Jones didn’t like his listless tone. While he wasn’t Garrett’s father, wasn’t even sure he was his friend, he still felt compelled to give him some fatherly advice. “Look, son, revenge will eat you up. I’m telling you what I know, not what I think. It can only get in the way of opportunity.” He turned and made direct eye contact with Garrett. “You never know when it’ll fall in your lap. If you’re consumed with things that really don’t matter, you’ll miss it.”

  Garrett heard every word. Mr. Jones may be one hundred percent right, but there was no way he was going to let Shannon and Raymond get away with what they’d done to him.


  It was half-time when Imani came downstairs wrapped in a blanket and carrying a pillow. Everyone was piled into the living room watching television and waiting for dinner to be ready. All the chairs were taken and the only space available was the one next to Garrett. She was starting to think it was a conspiracy.

  When Imani’s mother noticed her, she sat up from her chair and tsked. “What in the world are you doing down here?”

  Imani shrugged. “I was bored up there by myself and figured I’d come down and hang out with you guys. I’m feeling much better.”

  Garrett stood up and went over to help Imani over to the couch. When he touched the small of her back, Imani's knees went weak. This time, she lost her balance falling into his arms. He caught her.

  Garrett had a firm hold on her. His forehead wrinkled with concern. “Whoa. Are you good?”

  Looking up at him had her tongue tied. “Umm…yeah. I think s-s-so.” She thought it was crazy that this man she’d known for less than a day could do this to her.

  His voice was low when he spoke. “Are you sure? Maybe someone should help you back upstairs to bed?”

  Imani exhaled slowly as she turned away. “I’m fine. I probably feel much better than I should considering all of this is my fault. Before I forget, thank you for protecting my honor today.”

  Garrett grinned. “That’s crazy talk. It must be because of that bump on your head.”

  Maddon yelled from across the room. “What about me? I protected your whatever you said too.”

  Imani tried hard not to laugh. She didn’t want to bring on another headache. It had barely gone away. “You too, little brother. Thank you for sticking up for me.”

  Smiling broadly as he beat on his chest Maddon responded. “Only by a minute and a half, and you’re welcome—Brat.”

  Garrett made sure Imani was comfortably seated before he sat back down next to her. She was curled up in her blanket looking sexier than any woman had a right to. He shook those errant thoughts out of his mind. What the hell was wrong with him? Why did he keep having to remind himself that the Jones’ had shown him nothing but good old fashioned hospitality and that he’d only recently filed for divorce from his wife? Nothing in his life was positive.

  He had to be insane thinking about the woman next to him in such a way. He cleared his throat, edged up a bit more on the couch, rested his elbows on his knees, and did his best to pretend Imani wasn’t even there.

  Chapter 11

  Imani was more than a little restless. She tossed and turned but couldn’t sleep to save her life. Her body still a sore from earlier, but she was also feverish. It had nothing to do with getting knocked upside the head earlier.

  She kicked the thick comforter to the foot of the bed in an attempt to cool down. Frustrated, she whispered into the darkness. “This is ridiculous.” A few moments later, Imani flipped onto her stomach and buried her face deep into the pillows squeezing her eyes shut. After several seconds, one eye popped open then the other.

  Imani let out an exaggerated sigh before rolling over onto her back again. It was going to be a long night.

  She knew the source of her frustration as she pressed her thighs together, trying to quell the ache between them. Masturbating and a hot shower earlier hadn’t given her the relief she desperately craved. It had been awhile since she’d been intimate with a man, and in all that time she had never been this needy.

  There was no denying the reason. Imani didn’t want just any man. She wanted Garrett Hadley.

  She continued to mumble to herself. “Doesn’t sound so piggish now does it?” She couldn’t help but recall their earlier conversation when she was all high and mighty. At the moment, releasing a bit of tension sounded pretty damn good. Ugh . . . I’ve turned into a slut monkey. I just met the man.

  She had Garrett heavy on the brain. There were so many red flags warning her to STOP. BEWARE. RUN. Yet, she lay restless, staring at the ceiling, and trying to figure out the best way to hook up without appearing like a whore.

  Garrett left her feeling confused. She had never experienced such an intense reaction to a man. It was immediate and powerful. To make matters worse, after this afternoon, she wasn’t sure if he still felt the same way. Maybe Aaliyah was right about always acting like one of the guys. It was entirely possible Garrett bought into it.

  What was she supposed to do? Imani had always been the pursued, not the pursuer, so figuring out her next move was going to be a challenge.

  Imani was well past the question of if she should take matters into her own hands and had moved into the when part of the planning stages in her mind. Of course, she knew hooking up with Garrett was a bad idea. Still, she had no intention of listening to the voice of reason. Something stronger than common sense was calling out to her—probably the throbbing at the base of her sex.

  Garrett was leaving in a matter of hours, and that might pose a problem. Time wasn’t on her side. Briefly, Imani closed her eyes still able to visualize those unguarded moments from earlier when his eyes penetrated the deepest parts of her. She wanted to know not only what was behind that tightly held control he seemed barely able to contain, but also how to unleash it.

  What was it going to take?

  Imani hoped she had read the signs right. Suddenly, she was feeling nervous because Garrett hadn’t given her one sign since their earlier conversation that he was interested in her. If she were honest, all signs pointed to the opposite. Especially tonight when she sat right next to him, and he all but ignored her.

  Pissed at herself for being up after midnight, and thinking about a man who probably wasn’t thinking about her, Imani got up out of her bed, walked across the room, and hoisted the window open hoping for a cool breeze. The weather was unseasonably warm for this time of year. If that didn’t work, she would be the one taking a cold shower.


  What was that? Imani’s bedroom sat just above the porch. Was someone outside? Who would be up and outside this late? Imani stood completely still while listening for another sound. Her heart rate sped up as she hoped she’d heard it right.

  Cough. Cough.

  There it was again. The Jones’ household only had two men in it, and from the sounds of that cough, the person outside wasn’t Maddon or her father. Inwardly, she smiled at a possible golden opportunity.

  In the darkness, Imani ran over to the mirror, barely able to see her reflection if not for the glow of the full moon. She snatched her hair out of a ponytail, shook it out, and threw on a bit of lip gloss. Quickly, Imani removed her t-shirt and underwear. If her plan worked, she wasn’t going to need them.

  Opening her drawer, Imani pulled out a pale silk night slip that barely came to her mid-thigh. She shimmied into it, grabbed the matching robe – and a condom.

  She managed to change and brush her teeth in just a few moments before tip-toeing out of her bedroom, closing the door softly behind her. As she tread lightly
down the stairs, Imani knew all the spots to avoid to keep them from creaking.

  The house was dark, quiet. Everyone seemed to be sleeping.

  Her heart was in her throat as she contemplated what she was about to do.

  Imani finally made it to the bottom of the stairs and to the door. She took a deep breath, wrapped her hands around the doorknob and turned.

  When she opened it, Garrett’s back was to her. He stood with both hands outstretched and pressed up against the railing, apparently, deep in thought. So engrossed in his thoughts, he hadn’t heard her come outside. He coughed again.

  Gently, closing the door, Imani spoke. Her voice was husky. “You should do something about that cough.”

  Garrett half turned when he heard her and lifted a bottle. “Water went down wrong.”

  Nervous at first, Imani knew by the look on his face, she hadn’t made a mistake. A flash of desire was unmasked as his eyes briefly connected with hers.

  Imani held her breath as moments of silence ticked by. She watched Garrett’s heated gaze travel unhurriedly from her sexy brown eyes to the swell of her full breasts. They lingered there for just a moment focusing on the hardened tips peeking through the silky material.

  His scrutiny had Imani ready to combust instantaneously. She bit her bottom lip forcing herself to remain calm.

  Garrett continued to take his time studying her. It was like he had x-ray vision, especially when he paused at her core that was now completely drenched with her juices. Imani willed herself to stand completely still and watch him, watch her.

  His head tilted slightly as his eyes explored lower, studying perfectly shaped legs. His gaze was like a soft caress.