FEVERISH UnbRoken Read online

Page 7

  Garrett took just as much time reexamining Imani as his eyes traveled slowly back up her body. He could get drunk just looking at her and couldn’t help but think that this woman was perfect. After what felt like an eternity, his gaze finally returned to hers. “You’re not going to make this easy.”

  “No.” The corners of her lips quirked up as she walked a little closer. “As a matter of fact, I’d hoped to make it very hard.”

  Garrett clenched his jaw. “You should turn around, go back to your room, and lock the door.”

  Imani’s mouth was dry, but she managed to speak without her voice shaking. “What if I don’t want to? What if I want to take you up on your offer?” She moved closer. Close enough to smell the musky scent of his cologne.

  “You were hurt today. This is probably not a good idea.”

  “I’m sure it’s a very bad idea, but I feel fine.” Imani was still too far away. She closed the remaining gap between them until she was near enough to caress the side of his face.

  Briefly, he closed his eyes and turned into the warmth of her touch then let out a low growl. “I’m attempting to do something I don’t often do.” Garrett’s knuckles had turned white from gripping the porch railing. Somehow, he had to force himself to keep his hands to himself.

  Imani stood on tiptoe as her lips hovered close to his. She whispered, “What’s that?”

  “The right thing.”

  Imani didn’t move.

  Garrett hoped she would both leave and stay. He stood motionless long enough to give her a chance to make up her mind. When it was clear she wasn’t going anywhere, he moved his hands from the railing, and placed it on her lower back, before pulling her soft body into his. His cock immediately twitched inside his jeans the moment their bodies touched.

  Imani skimmed eager hands inside Garrett’s half opened, button-up shirt. She moved them across his broad chest, loving the feel of his skin against her fingertips before finally wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Her touch set him on fire.

  There was nothing gentle about the kiss. He pressed firm lips against soft ones, aggressively sliding them back and forth over Imani’s, using his teeth to nip at her bottom lip until she opened for him.

  Imani did just that. Her lips parted, and Garrett thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth—searching and tasting. She threaded her fingers through his hair as their tongues wrestled together. No other kiss had ever come close to the intensity of this one.

  He turned walking her back into a corner until she butted up against the railing, the perfect spot. It was just behind her parents’ mature trees. They couldn’t be seen by neighbors or anyone driving down the street, not that she cared. There would be no sneaking back upstairs to her room. It was going to happen right where they were.

  Garrett lifted Imani off her feet perching her on the railing. Her legs parted, and he nestled in-between her thighs thrusting his denim-clad cock into her core.

  Imani broke the kiss for just a moment and whispered into the darkness, “God, you feel so good.” Garrett recaptured her lips. It was like he couldn’t get enough.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist wanting him to stretch her to the limit, clawing at his shirt until it fell to the ground. If only she could get those jeans undone.

  Garrett drug his lips away from Imani’s leaving a trail of hot kisses down the side of her neck and shoulder. The little strap that was holding Imani’s gown had already fallen, exposing one plump breast. Her nipples were hard. Garrett didn’t think he’d ever seen anything that looked more delicious. He couldn’t help himself and pulled one tight bud into his mouth swirling it around his tongue and tasting her sweetness. He kneaded the other until he was ready to show it the same attention.

  Imani was in heaven. She held his head against her breasts, threw her head back and moaned. Her body had a mind of its own as she rolled her hips onto his hardness. He met her thrust for thrust. By the time Garrett pulled the other breast in his hot mouth, her pussy was drenched, and she was ready to be filled. Her fingers started to fumble with the buttons on his jeans. When her hands slipped inside, she squeezed.

  He hissed.

  Garrett caught her by the wrists to prevent her from going any further. His breathing was short and choppy. If he let things go any longer, they would be past the point of no return.

  Her passion filled eyes gazed into his. “W-what? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. That’s the problem. Everything feels too right.” He kissed her one last time. This time, gently, but no less hungry than before. Garrett had already allowed things to get out of control. Breathing heavily, he broke the kiss and pulled away.

  Imani was still caught up in the experience.

  His voice sounded strangled. “We can’t do this.”

  Her dilated eyes slowly came into focus. “Why?”

  Touching his forehead to hers, he responded. “I won’t be with you in your father’s house. Both he and your brother have been too good to me.”

  Her body rebelled. Imani allowed herself a moment to pout just a little. “Technically, we’re not in the house.”

  She still held Garrett’s pulsing dick in her hands. He couldn’t think straight, especially when she began to stroke him; adding just a bit of pressure as she moved her hands up and down. “Mmm . . .” Garrett closed his eyes and savored the feeling for just a moment before putting a stop to it. He gathered her hands together in his and kissed her fingertips.

  He swallowed hard. “Let me ask you a question.”

  Talking was the last thing she wanted to do, but reluctantly, Imani nodded.

  His words were hushed. “I’m not sure how or when but you’ve bewitched me. I can only imagine that being with you is going to be amazing, don’t you?”

  “We don’t have to imagine. We can find out tonight.” Imani said the first thing that came to mind.

  In all honesty, she wasn’t quite sure how to respond. There was no way she could tell Garrett the truth. It was as if an invisible chord had been pulling her towards him from the moment they’d met—like an out-of-body experience. She wasn’t in control. Her body was—hot, feverish, and needy. Garrett Hadley had the power to break her. It was only a matter of time before he did. He could put an end to the unbearable throbbing between her thighs. Garrett was right about one thing, whatever the hell the black magic was between them, it was much bigger than sex. Unfortunately, her immediate need was so great, Imani’s brain couldn’t function. All she wanted was to have him rocking so deep inside of her that she wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. Based on what she felt when her legs were wrapped around his waist, he could do it. Imani could barely speak when she replied with a breathless, “Yes. Whatever is happening between us, it feels unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  Even if she hadn’t spoken the words, Garrett could see the answer written all over her face. “It does for me too.” Frustrated, he raked his hands through his hair. “Look, I won’t be with you tonight. Not just because I don’t want to disrespect your father’s home, but because I’ve got a lot of shit in my life to clean up. I already allowed this to go too far. If I’m honest, I don’t know how long that’s going to take.” He caressed the side of her cheek. “When I take you, I want to be free and clear. Not a married man with all kinds of drama surrounding him.”

  Everything he said made sense, but Imani’s body didn’t want to listen.

  “I promise, I’ll make this up to you. In the meantime, can we take our time? Maybe get to know each other?”

  She didn’t like his answers but could understand completely. Deflated, Imani blew out a breath. “I understand. I just wish . . . are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to change your mind?”

  “I’m close to the edge. I’m sure you can probably make me re-think everything with one kiss, but I’m hoping you won’t.”

  When he put it like that what was she supposed to say? Imani gave up for now. “I won’t put any pressure on you, but
I’m going to hold you to your promise to make this up to me.”

  Garrett had to stop himself from placing a tender kiss on her lips. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  He wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep thinking about all the amazing things he wanted to do to her body, but it was more than that. For the first time in a long time, something was stirring deep within the pit of his stomach, something that felt close to excitement for all of the possibilities to come.

  Reflecting on emotions he kept locked deep within, Garrett had a strong suspicion that Imani Jones might be the key to unlocking everything.

  Chapter 12

  Imani woke up exhausted. She took a cold shower after coming back inside last night and one this morning. It took both to get her hormones under control. Imani knew it wasn’t all about the sex. It was more, much more. She could only hope he meant the words he’d said last night. Until then, she would do her best to remain on her best behavior.

  Garrett was leaving this afternoon, so there was that. Was he going to keep in touch? It sounded like he wanted to. Then again, they were in a precarious position last night.

  Imani smiled to herself as she thought back about her boldness. She has been having lots of firsts over the past week—getting fired for one—and she’d never thrown herself at a man. Even though nothing happened, at least Imani knew he wanted her. She did it all without writing it down and listing each step. Maybe that was the problem. She was flying by the seat of her pants and hadn’t really planned anything out. Had she planned better, Imani would have been sore where it counted.

  She stood in front of the mirror with butterflies in her stomach checking out her reflection. She decided to take Aaliyah’s advice and girl it up a bit. There were no sweat pants or ponytails today. Nope. Imani wore a black and white striped cotton maxi dress that showed off her generous curves without looking like she was trying too hard. It was simple yet flirty.

  Of course, she’d been attracted to guys that hadn’t felt the same way, but Imani really didn’t care about those guys. However, there was something about Garrett that was intriguing; something that called out to her. She knew he should be off limits. Imani should probably hide out in her room until after his flight left, but she wouldn’t. She wanted to see him one more time.

  Maybe . . . just maybe after a night of sleep, he’d want to start something a little more than just friendship. If their relationship did grow to be more, Imani knew Garrett seemed like the type to give an earth-shattering orgasm.

  She closed her eyes and shivered at the thought of it, then blew out a long, slow, breath. Imani tried to talk herself down. “Get it together, girl.”

  After another moment, she took one last glance in the mirror before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. As she walked down the stairs, the doorbell rang. Imani yelled out. “I’ll get it.”

  She picked up the pace and went to open the door. “Who is it?”

  The person on the other side responded. “It’s Lucy’s Appliances.”

  Imani opened the door.

  “Good morning, ma’am. We have a delivery for Michael and Felicia Jones.”

  Imani leaned back and called out to her mother. “Maaaa!”

  Felicia was already rounding the corner when she’d heard the doorbell. “Good lord, girl. Why are you yelling?” Her mother did a double take at how dolled up, albeit casually, Imani was.

  Imani smiled cheekily. “You and Daddy have a delivery.”

  “Mmmhmmm. I see you.”

  Imani laughed. “What?”

  “What indeed.” Felicia nudged Imani to the side as she turned and eyed the delivery man. “I’m sorry, there must be some mistake.”

  The man looked down at his clipboard. “This is not Michael and Felicia Jones’ address?”

  “It is but . . .”

  Garrett managed to sneak up behind them. “Oh, good. The delivery is here. I didn’t think they would make it before I left for my flight.” He smiled at Felicia then turned to Imani. His eyes lingered on her for a good ten seconds before remembering his surprise.

  She blushed like a silly teenager.

  “Deliver what?” Michael came to the door interrupting the private moment.

  Garrett grinned. “I wanted to thank you and your family for your hospitality. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of purchasing a top of the line, stainless steel, professional range, Sub-Zero refrigerator, and dishwasher for you and Mrs. Jones.”

  Felicia’s hand covered her mouth to keep from shouting. Then, she turned to Michael with pleading eyes, hoping he would accept the gift.

  Mr. Jones didn’t know what to say. “Something like this is too expensive. We did what we did for you out of the kindness of our heart. We don’t expect nothing in return.”

  “That’s what made me want to give you this gift all the more. I can never repay you for what you’ve done for me. This is just a small token of my appreciation.”

  Michael rubbed the back of his neck wanting to accept it but was still a little apprehensive. “You sure it won’t set you back any?”

  Garrett’s smile spread across his entire face. “I promise, it won’t set me back.”

  Michael looked at Felicia who was about to pass out from holding her breath with hope. “Then, I guess, it’ll be okay. Plus, Felicia is over there about to pop a blood vessel. If I say no, I might be on the couch for the next week. Thank you.”

  Garrett was genuinely glad to help. “I’m happy I could do it.”


  Felicia was dying to make Garrett a meal using her new appliances, but the car taking him to the airport had arrived. He would miss dinner. Thanksgiving was a month away, but they wouldn’t know it tonight. She was going to cook up everything.

  Imani was sitting out on the porch with her feet curled underneath her, wishing she had a little more time before Garrett left when he walked out of the door.

  His eyes were always so intense. “Hey. I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to talk for a minute before I left.”

  Imani eyed his carry-on and suit bag. She attempted to sound lighthearted. “I’ve been here writing out a few things.”

  Garrett left both bags by the door. “Lists?”

  Imani smiled in an attempt to hide her disappointment. “Yep. Your car is here.”

  Garrett sat down unable to take his eyes away from hers. “I know.” He wanted to touch her.

  It took everything not to give in to his natural impulses and press his lips against hers and kiss her senseless. He knew if he started, there’s no way it would end there. If his eyes were a mirror reflection of hers, he knew she felt the same burning desire.

  Telling himself over and over again to step back, hadn’t lessened his craving for her. He also didn’t want to send mixed messages. Garrett whispered more to himself than her. “You’re dangerous.”

  She unfurled her legs and moved just a little closer to him. She couldn’t make out what he’d just said. Breathlessly she responded. “What?”

  Garrett hadn’t realized he’d moved closer too. Their lips were so close that they could feel the heat of the other’s breath on their skin.

  Imani sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. Garrett couldn’t help but follow the movement. Her eyes fluttered closed ready to be kissed.

  The door flung open, and the two jumped away from each other as if they had been scalded.

  It was Aaliyah. She smiled. “Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt, but Mama was looking for you, Garrett.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I’ll be right there.”

  Aaliyah quickly went back into the house.

  “Sorry. I didn’t . . .” Garrett began.

  “Whatever you were about to say, if it starts with sorry, don’t.”

  Garrett cleared his throat. “I’m doing my damnedest not to send you mixed signals and failing miserably.”

  “Yes, you are.” She shrugged. “Maybe you should try to go with what you feel?”

nbsp; “I’m in no position to start anything serious. As of this moment, I have a wife and son.”

  “You said you filed for divorce.”

  “I’m damaged goods.”

  “Aren’t we all?”

  Frustrated, he exhaled. “We should try being friends first.”

  Imani wasn’t ready to give up on Garrett just yet. There was too much between them she wanted to explore. It was understandable that he didn’t want to start anything with everything going on in his life. If all he could handle was a friendship, she would be patient and try it. “Friends? Do you think we can really do that?”

  “I hope so. I’d like to start by offering you a job.”

  Imani shook her head vigorously. “I can’t accept that. You’ve already spent a fortune on my parents’ new appliances. Whatever imaginary debt you think you owe has been paid.”

  “Don’t be proud. You need a job, and I’m offering you one.” Garrett took out his business card. “Here’s my office number and my personal ones are on the back. Call me when you get back to Chicago—for anything. I’m sure that I have a need for some with your interior design talents.”

  Imani took the card. “You haven’t even seen my work?”

  He shrugged. “I have faith in you.”

  “This is nepotism, favoritism, and all the isms.”

  His smile was mesmerizing. “It absolutely is. One of the best perks of being the boss.”

  Unable to control himself, Garrett pulled Imani by the back of the head towards him and kissed her hard on the lips. “Call me as soon as you get back into town.”

  “Friends kiss?”

  “I couldn’t help it.”

  “That might be a problem for you.” Imani stood. “I don’t have friends with benefits types of relationships, Mr. Hadley. As much as I want to be with you, I don’t plan on starting now.” Imani reached her hand out to his. “Your car is here, and my mother has summoned you. You better go see what she wants before you leave.”

  Chapter 13

  The reprieve Garrett had been given staying with Imani’s family was over. It was back to the real world and time to deal with his problems . . . and enemies.